MDX is based on the original .mdx
proposal by Guillermo Rauch (@rauchg). It’s syntax is defined by an official specification. The source code for MDX is available on GitHub and is MIT licensed.
The project is governed by the unified collective.
Logo designs were created by Evil Rabbit) of ZEIT and are also available on GitHub.
- John Otander (@4lpine) – Compositor + Clearbit
- Tim Neutkens (@timneutkens) – ZEIT
- Guillermo Rauch (@rauchg) – ZEIT
- Brent Jackson (@jxnblk) – Compositor
The following projects, languages, and articles helped to shape MDX either in implementation or inspiration.
Is your work missing? If you have related work or prior art we’ve failed to reference, please open a PR!
These projects define the syntax which MDX blends together (MD and JSX).