MDX v0.20.3


x0 is a zero-config tool with built in support for MDX. You will need to install the library and set up the npm script.


npm install --save-dev @compositor/x0

Then, in your package.json add the following to the scripts:

"start": "x0 docs",
"build": "x0 build docs"

Customizing the layout

x0 supports MDX files with either .md or .mdx file extensions out of the box. For components requiring providers you will need to use customize _app.js. Here’s an example using Rebass components:

import React from 'react'
import * as Rebass from 'rebass'
import createScope from '@rebass/markdown'
import { ScopeProvider } from '@compositor/x0/components'
export default ({ route, routes, ...props }) => (
<ScopeProvider scope={{ ...Rebass, ...createScope() }}>
<Rebass.Container {...props} />